I want to use Fontawesome icons, or other icons, and emoji in Discourse posts. How do I do that?
Emoji are built-in, so the simplest way to use them is to type a colon : character. As soon as you do, a menu pops up that let’s you choose an emoji, or show more. If you continue typing characters, the system will filter available emoji that match what you’re typing, so :whi will show at the top of the list. If you only type :wh then
will be at the top of the list. Anytime you can hit tab or enter to select the highlighted emoji. If you don’t want an emoji, either type a space after the colon, or just keep typing.
Unicode support
Otherwise, you can access ALL the icons, characters, emoji (new like 🄯, ) and symbols, and pictographs of Unicode by typing Ctrl+Shift+u (for Unicode) followed by the code for the glyph you want.
Happy Halloween!
Although you can use Fontawesome 4.7 icons in some plugins, you can’t access them in regular post content apparently. This does not work:
<li><i class="fa fa-wikipedia-w d-icon d-icon-wikipedia-w"></i></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-github d-icon d-icon-github"></i></li>
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