What do you charge for storage?

We don’t.


We simply charge what our data center charges. Our Terms of Service incorporates our cloud-provider Terms Of Service - which dictates pricing for storage. We just pass on the charges to you with no markups or fees.

Client Type

On Premises / Client Owned

Although rare these days, some customers are “on premises” (or common: we provide service into your “Customer Cloud Provider Account”) with your own equipment, service providers and network. We certainly don’t charge you for your storage devices and network.


We pass through, and invoice for our **costs** from our cloud service providers. So, whether we're using AWS, Microsoft Azure or Digital Ocean, your costs are exactly what they charge.1 Storage costs also vary by type. Take [Digital Ocean for example](https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/):

Block Storage $20/mo for 200GB

Pricing starts at $0.10/GB per month. Block storage is SSD-based volumes attached to your Host to suit your database, file storage, application, service and local backup needs. This is your “hard disk”.

Spaces $20/mo for 1TB

Pricing starts at $5/mo and at $20 includes

  • 1TB of storage
  • 4TB of outbound transfer (CDN included)
  • $0.02 per additonal GB stored
  • $0.01 per additonal GB transferred (CDN included)

Backups Backups 0-20% of compute pricing

  • Digital Ocean charges 20% of the cost of your virtual machine. So if you want to enable backups for a $100/mo. Droplet, the cost of the backup will be $20 per month. We call this “official” backups.
  • We offer automated local backups of your data, configurations and database at no additional charge – as long as there is sufficient Block Storage for these backups.

Snapshots Snapshots $20/mo for 400GB

  • Snapshot pricing is based on the utilized space within the filesystem. Snapshots are charged at half the rate of regular Block Storage. Snapshots that are destroyed before the month is over will be charged hourly, just like Droplets.
  • $0.05 per GB per month; so $20/mo for 400GB

:arrow_up: 1 Storage costs in the cloud vary by Service Provider as you can imagine; but theoretically are very competitive with one another. We choose cloud provider based on customer needs. Our preferred cloud provider is Digital Ocean because of their certifications, reputation, ease of use, and more.