What extension should we add to QualityBox, and why?

We pride ourselves on selectively curating the top extensions from the thousands available on mediawiki.org, github.org and elsewhere. Extensions like VisualEditor and Elasticsearch make all the difference between a bland wiki, and one powerful enough to make a difference. But have we overlooked an extension created by your in-house teams, or something you’ve used previously?

Tell us what extensions we should add to QualityBox and why.

Extensions in core Meza

  1. AdminLinks
  2. ApprovedRevs
  3. Arrays
  4. BatchUserRights
  5. CharInsert
  6. CirrusSearch
  7. Cite
  8. CollapsibleVector
  9. ContributionScores
  10. CopyWatchers
  11. DataTransfer
  12. DismissableSiteNotice
  13. DisplayTitle
  14. Echo
  15. Elastica
  16. ExternalData
  17. HeaderFooter
  18. HeaderTabs
  19. ImageMap
  20. ImagesLoaded
  21. InputBox
  22. Interwiki
  23. LabeledSectionTransclusion
  24. Maps
  25. MasonryMainPage
  26. MezaExt
  27. NumerAlpha
  28. PageForms
  29. PageImporter
  30. ParserFunctionHelper
  31. ParserFunctions
  32. PipeEscape
  33. ReplaceText
  34. SemanticCompoundQueries
  35. SemanticDrilldown
  36. SemanticInternalObjects
  37. SemanticMediaWiki
  38. SemanticMeetingMinutes
  39. SemanticResultFormats
  40. SimpleMathJax
  41. StringFunctionsEscaped
  42. SubPageList
  43. SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi
  44. TalkRight
  45. Thanks
  46. UniversalLanguageSelector
  47. UploadWizard
  48. Variables
  49. VisualEditor
  50. WatchAnalytics
  51. WhoIsWatching
  52. WikiEditor
  53. Wiretap
  54. YouTube

Additional extensions added to QualityBox

  1. AJAXPoll
  2. AntiBot
  3. AntiSpoof
  4. AntiSpoofForCentralAuth
  5. BetaFeatures
  6. Bootstrap
  7. CategorySuggest
  8. CategoryTree
  9. CentralAuth
  10. Chameleon
  11. CheckUser
  12. CiteThisPage
  13. Collection
  14. ConfirmEdit
  15. CreateRedirect
  16. CSS
  17. DataValues
  18. DataValuesCommon
  19. DataValuesGeo
  20. DataValuesInterfaces
  21. DataValuesTime
  22. DataValuesValidators
  23. EmbedVideo
  24. FollowButton
  25. Gadgets
  26. Html2Wiki
  27. Loops
  28. MagicNoCache
  29. MobileFrontend
  30. MsUpload
  31. MyVariables
  32. NoTitle
  33. Nuke
  34. OpenGraphMeta
  35. ParserHooks
  36. PdfHandler
  37. Poem
  38. Renameuser
  39. Scribunto
  40. SimpleFarm
  41. SVGEdit
  42. UserMerge
  43. WebChat
  44. Widgets
  45. WikiSEO

With 54 extensions in core and the 45 found locally, we just need one more extension to reach the :100: mark!

We’ll give you a preview of what’s to come. We’ve maintained our own list of extensions we want to see included in QualityBox. Check out https://freephile.qualitybox.us/wiki/Extensions_wanted

Ed. note: Skins are a different story, and we’ll be talking about that in another topic.